For best participation results, choose at least 2 best practices in each category below. Each is ranked High (H) or Medium (M) based on return on investment (ROI). Your United Way staff can help with the details and implementation of these strategies.
EDUCATE Your Employees!
Use United Way stories and visuals:
- Coordinate a volunteer project for employees at a UW partner agency (H)
- Participate in the Seeing is Believing bus tour (H)
- Use United Way speakers, campaign video, success stories (H) Host an In-House Volunteer Project (M)
- Target messages to lapsed, first-time and loyal donors with emails, meetings, websites, etc. (M)
- Add UWNEK facts and stats to the end of campaign emails (M) Encourage employees to learn more: visit UWNEK’s website and follow UWNEK on social media (M)
Use your own company stories:
- Find a partner agency that has touched your life or a family member’s life and tell your story (H)
- Ask an employee who has received services from UW to share his/her story (H)
- Provide examples of how UW helps our family, friends, co-workers (M)
- Set up a video kiosk for employees to record how they Live United, and feature their stories during campaign (M)
ASK For the Gift!
Involve Company Leadership:
- Get the CEO/top local executive involved in the campaign and visible to employees (H)
- Develop a matching gift program (H)
Make sure every employee is asked to support United Way:
- Have pledge cards available at every event/meeting throughout campaign (H)
- Have the campaign appeal come from a co-worker along with the CEO (H)
- Hold United Way meetings for groups of employees (H)
- Use one-on-one campaign asks and follow-up (H)
THANK Your Donors!
Recognize your donors:
- Thank donors with personalized emails/letters from CEO and/or campaign committee (H)
- Start a Loyal Contributor’s Program (H)
- Host thank you event for donors (ice cream, pizza, lunch, cocktails, spaghetti dinner, etc.) (M)
Offer incentives to employees who participate in the campaign:
- Dress Down and/or themed Fridays (H)
- Parking spaces and/or new photo ID badges (H)
- Tickets to special event (lunch with CEO, sports event, concert with company seats, etc.) (H)
- Chance to see CEO do something outrageous (shave their head, wash a car, kiss a pig) (H)
- Use incentives for returning pledge cards, giving percentage of salary, attending an event, giving by a specific date/time, department who wins challenge for participation or total donations, etc. (M)